Chinese Food Braised celery leaf 蒸芹菜叶,买了芹菜,叶子不要扔,节约粮食,来一道美味减肥素食
13元一碗的炸蛋螺蛳粉,炸蛋吸满汤汁,麻辣螺蛳随便吃不限量!13 yuan a bowl of fried egg snail noodles, fried eggs soaked up the soup, spicy snails can be eaten as much as you want!
Old Chengdu Dry Mixed Mala Tang, it turns out that Maocai can still be eaten like this? The boss doesn't need money for adding chili老成都干拌麻辣烫,原来冒菜还可以这么吃?老板加辣椒不要钱
Stewed Beef Brisket with Tomato冬日美食,番茄炖牛腩,1斤牛腩2碗米饭不够,养生美味,暖心暖胃
In the fourth-tier city of Kaifeng, the hot pot barbecue buffet is less than 50 yuan, hurry up and teach the boss
日本整人综艺有多丧心病狂?当你回家发现老婆躺在地上,黑暗角落跑出来个巨型蝙蝠How heartless is the Japanese variety show? When you come home and find your wife lying on the floor, a giant bat comes out of a dark corner.
30-second fast cooking, Ekata rolls long sushi, and the island’s 3 spirit guys are operated by God. This is called fast food.
新奥尔良烤鸡翅,超简单家庭版,完胜KFC,隔壁小孩都赖着不回家New Orleans Grilled Chicken Wings
香港街头卤味海鲜,卤水大墨鱼一份仅售38元,爽脆弹牙,生意火爆Hong Kong street braised seafood, bittern cuttlefish for only 38 yuan
香港街头卤味海鲜,卤水大墨鱼一份仅售38元,爽脆弹牙,生意火爆Hong Kong street braised seafood, bittern cuttlefish for only 38 yuan, crisp and elastic, the business is booming
泡面炒饭,方便面的神仙吃法,花式炒饭,快来试试吧Instant noodles fried rice
In the winter solstice making dumplings, the dumpling skins are left over and made into golden crispy hemp leaves, saving 5 yuan and rejecting waste
32cm的超长冰淇淋甜筒你吃过吗?炎炎夏日冷饮,12块钱值不值?Have you ever tried the 32cm long ice cream cone? Is 12 yuan worth of cold drinks in the hot summer?